Ordering products with Fowy Food
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Depending on your own personal wishes, we will ship from ex works to CIF.
Depending on products we will ship FCL, LCL, reefer and dry container load shipments.
For several years we have good business relations with major shipping lines in the world and we are able to ship at very competing prices.
Depending on the place of production we normally ship from the nearest European international ports to assure freshness of products and quick delivery.
We only use so called conference liners, like P&O Nedlloyd, Maersk and MSC, with fixed sailing schedules world-wide.
If required products can also been transported by air freight, we can offer competing rates with major airlines like Air France - KLM, Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines for reliable and high quality delivery.
Please feel free to discuss your wishes with Mr A. Wynia.